A demo of the Mau Markup Language

Some examples of what Mau can do

Text styles

Text can be style using simple inline syntax.

Mau source

Stars identify *strong* text.

Underscores for _emphasized_ text.

Carets for ^superscript^ and tildes for ~subscript~.

Backticks are used for `verbatim` text.

Mau output

Stars identify strong text.

Underscores for emphasized text.

Carets for superscript and tildes for subscript.

Backticks are used for verbatim text.


Paragraphs of text can contain style and macros.

Mau source

Paragraphs are separated by empty lines.

Paragraphs can contain macros.
The source code can be found
at [link](https://github.com/Project-Mau/mau).

Mau output

Paragraphs are separated by empty lines.

Paragraphs can contain macros. The source code can be found at https://github.com/Project-Mau/mau.


Variables can be defined inside and outside Mau documents and used to customise the output.

Mau source


Mau supports variables. The answer is {answer}.

Macros can render
[@if:trueflag:&true](text conditionally, whatever).

Mau output

Mau supports variables. The answer is 42.

Macros can render text conditionally.

Headers and footnotes

Mau has full support for headers and footnotes, and provides commands to insert objects like the ToC.

Mau source

= Mau has headers

== Mau has subheaders

A ToC can be created with


Paragraphs can contain footnotes[footnote](note).

[*footnote, note]
This is a footnote.


Mau output

Mau has headers

Mau has subheaders

A ToC can be created with

Paragraphs can contain footnotes[1].


This is a footnote.


Mau lists are very flexible and can be easily interrupted and restarted.

Mau source

# Lists can be
# Ordered
** Or unordered
** Both with multiple levels

And can be interrupted

# And restarted
# Automatically

Mau output

  1. Lists can be
  2. Ordered
    • Or unordered
    • Both with multiple levels

And can be interrupted

  1. And restarted
  2. Automatically


The true power of Mau is the use of multiple visitors and templating engines. Jinja templates can be used to render content in completely different ways depending on the context.

Mau source

= Templates can transform content

== And radically change the output!

= Templates can transform content

== And radically change the output!

Mau output

Templates can transform content

And radically change the output!


And radically change the output!


Blocks are a powerful structure that can isolate and manipulate the content in different ways.

Mau source

Blocks can be used in multiple ways such as quotes.

[*admonition, note, "fas fa-info"]
Or admonitions, but not only.

Through templates we can heavily customise the output.

Mau output

Blocks can be used in multiple ways.


Through templates we can heavily customise the output.

Mau has many other features like including external content, source code highlighting, block engines, and rich templating options. In this documentation Mau is rendered using this website's templates and CSS, but the possibilities are endless.